Equis Launches Australia’s Largest Battery Energy Storage System

Equis Development Pte Ltd (“EDL”) today executed binding documentation with a wholly owned subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (“ADIA”), Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board (“Ontario Teachers”) and the Equis management team to invest US$1.25 billion in EDL.
에퀴스는 국내 하이브리드 태양광 및 에너지 저장장치 개발 프로젝트를 인수하였고, 향후 3년간 최대 US$ 20억 규모의 국내 투자를 단행할 계획입니다.
Capital raised for development of four waste energy facilities to be owned and operated by Vine Enviro
Equis Development Pte. Ltd, Asia-Pacific’s leading renewable energy and waste infrastructure developer, has completed the 100% acquisition of Jara 1 Solar Project (“Jara”), located in Sinan Municipality, South Jeolla Province, South Korea.